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Triangle Shirtwaist Factory – New York & Family History

Today, it suddenly dawned on me that I finally had the time here in New York to go to the location where a moment in history (both for the United States and for my personal family) occurred. It’s now called the Brown Building, but in 1911 it was the Asch Building, located at 23-29 Washington Place – cross street Greene Street. There, 146 employees of the Triange Shirtwaist Factory lost their lives in a horrendous fire. Many safety precautions of the building were revealed to be inadequate, and too many lives were lost jumping out of windows unequipped with fireContinue readingTriangle Shirtwaist Factory – New York & Family History

The Phenomenon Called Twitter

Those who scroll down this blog and notice the “Latest Update from Twitter” section and don’t know what the bleep Twitter is, read on. Those who already know what Twitter is, follow me already! Twitter is a social networking tool that utilizes microblogging – statements of opinion, fact, or links that are alloted only 140 characters at a time. Anyone who knows my public username (“siskita”) can read all the posts I make to twitter (done typically via a computer, but some twitter using their mobile phones or smart phones). One can send direct messages to one another which areContinue readingThe Phenomenon Called Twitter